The photo below is the religious statue of Jesus Christ and Mama Mary (Our Lady of Manaoag). I want to share about this religious statue, one day before Christmas they have a two sister who selling their product; they told me that their product is blessed and made for the fiber glass. The statue is 12 inches tall and has a good and quality paint. And according to them if you make a wish that you give the children the Our Lady of Manaoag is the answer and your wish will be fulfilled. I am a Roman Catholic and I need to believed what their told me, because we have been married for 9 years but we still do not have children. So, I bought the Our Lady of Manaog for the amount of 800 pesos and I was pleased because the Jesus Christ Statue given me as their gift.
Anyway, hopefully this year our wish will be fulfilled. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, faith him and believed him, and also we do not lose hope.