Artificial Grapes

I bought these artificial grapes for the cost of 50 pesos in Novo store. They had 2 colors which are green and violet; Well, I choose color violet because it looks real grapes. And I will bought it because I just thought that its perfect display for our new kitchen cabinet. Actually when Vince saw the artificial grapes he asked me mama I want grapes, and then I explain it to him that the grapes is also artificial and not a real grapes. He don’t believed me and then he get the chair to get the artificial grapes, after he touched it, he asked me mama it is a plastic? Yes baby, I answered him and I feel so pity to him, and then I already called to my hubby to buy one half kilo of grapes for Vince. That’s the story of my artificial grapes hehe.
 photo kitchencabinet_zps8da93cf7.jpg

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